Party Wall West End
Having enough space for your building in the West End can be sometimes challenging when you intend to extend your building especially if it is part of a big estate.
If you are planning on building up and going for a loft space in your building, then you will be caught up with this challenge of not having enough space for yourself.
However, if you are embarking on your building project with a Party Wall design, then you should always take note of your decisions as it may in a way affect your neighbour without you knowing.
To do the right thing and avoid troubles that may come with your Party Wall, the simplest way to do this is to send a Party Wall Notice to your neighbour. By sending this in a written format, your neighbour has an idea of what you plan to do when you plan to do it, and to also give a chance of a contest in case there might be.
Sometimes, neighbours don’t give consent to some project especially if you are over stepping your boundaries and might delay the construction process for you.
What better way to be on the safe side and have a smooth project running than to contact us to give you all the information you need.
Herts Office
Phone: 01438 798 870Mobile: 07815 051 255
Email: info@jordanbrettell.comWebsite: