Legislation is often difficult to understand. The Party Wall Act is no different. It is full of intricacies that are not immediately obvious. But you do need to understand it or at least appoint someone who does, as neglecting to adhere to the Party Wall Act is unlawful.
Talking to a Party Wall Surveyor, like Jordan Brettell, at the outset whilst planning your Walthamstow building project can be very useful. A Party Wall Surveyor is an expert and should know the intricacies of the Party Wall Act inside and out.
A Party Wall Surveyor can cut across the terminology and help you understand the legislation so you can efficiently get on with what needs to be done to progress your Walthamstow development.
A Party Wall Surveyor will be able to tell you whether the work you are planning to a wall shared by two Walthamstow property owners or separating two or more buildings is covered by the Party Wall Act.
A Party Wall Surveyor will help you serve your Walthamstow neighbour with a Party Wall Notice in the timescales permitted by the Party Wall Act.
And a Party Wall Surveyor will draft a Party Wall Agreement should your adjoining Walthamstow owner not consent to the Party Wall Notice. Call Jordan Brettell today on 07815 051255.
Herts Office
Phone: 01438 798 870Mobile: 07815 051 255
Email: info@jordanbrettell.comWebsite: www.jordanbrettell.com