You may never have heard of the Party Wall Act. Many Walthamstow property owners haven’t come across the Party Wall Act until they start to plan a home improvement project and suddenly realise it applies to them.
So does the Party Wall Act apply to your Walthamstow home improvement project?
The Party Wall Act doesn’t apply to very small jobs such as inserting new electrical sockets or putting up shelves or kitchen units on a party wall in your Walthamstow property. It does however apply to any more significant modifications or changes to a party wall.
So if you are planning to construct a new wall along your boundary, increase or reduce the height of a shared garden wall, insert beams or weather proofing into a party wall, or excavate near a shared boundary on your Walthamstow property, then the Party Wall Act will come into force.
You are required, by the Party Wall Act to serve your Walthamstow neighbour with a Party Wall Notice letting them know about your planned building work. And then, depending upon their response you may be required by the Party Wall Act to put a Party Wall Agreement in place, before work to your Walthamstow property can go ahead.
If you would like to know more about the Party Wall Act and how it applies to your Walthamstow property don’t hesitate to contact Jordan Brettell on 07815 051255 .
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