Even if you are still at the early stages of researching the Party Wall Act, and you are just finding out whether it applies to the plans you have for your Leyton property, it is wise to research Party Wall Surveyors and have the name of one that you would be happy to appoint.
You might find it useful to talk to an experienced Party Wall Surveyor to discuss the planned work to your Leyton property.
You are welcome to give us a call for a free initial conversation today on 07815 051255. As Party Wall Surveyors, with many years of experience, we can talk you through the particulars of the Party Wall Act so that you understand your rights and responsibilities as a Leyton property owner in relation to the legislation.
We will be able to quickly ascertain whether the proposed building work to your Leyton property is covered by the Party Wall Act and what your next step should be.
There is absolutely no obligation to use our Party Wall Surveyor services after this initial conversation.
But if you need us you know where to find us. With efficiency and value for money, we can help you draft a Party Wall Notice to issue to your Leyton neighbour or further down the line a Party Wall Agreement.
Herts Office
Phone: 01438 798 870Mobile: 07815 051 255
Email: info@jordanbrettell.comWebsite: www.jordanbrettell.com