Hoddesdon is a town with a large proportion of families. With housing prices high, it makes sense to invest in your Hoddesdon family home and add value where you can.
As many Hoddesdon families live in the town’s large number of semi-detached homes, this means that adding value can often involve dealing with The Party Wall Act and the need for a Party Wall Agreement.
If you are planning an extension, a loft conversion or some significant change to the wall within your Hoddesdon home that you share with your neighbour, you will need their written consent to a Party Wall Notice or a Party Wall Agreement put in place.
A Party Wall Agreement is a legal document that sets out the full details of the work you are planning to do your Hoddesdon home. The Party Wall Agreement is an agreement with your Hoddesdon neighbour on timescales, access agreements, working hours and insurance arrangements.
Usually as part of the Party Wall Agreement a schedule of condition will be included, carefully documenting with photographs the state of your neighbour’s property. This can be used, should any dispute or damage arise, to settle disagreements and avoid false claims.
As you invest in your Hoddesdon home, appoint Party Wall Surveyors Jordan Brettell to prepare the Party Wall Agreement efficiently and cost effectively. Call 07815 051255.
Herts Office
Phone: 01438 798 870Mobile: 07815 051 255
Email: info@jordanbrettell.comWebsite: www.jordanbrettell.com