Party Wall Surveyor Harrow
Are you undertaking construction work, or have received a notice from your neighbours in Harrow?
We know it can be stressful and confusing, but we’re here to help. We’re experienced party wall surveyors with over 40 years of experience, so we can ensure that all parties are protected, and everything goes smoothly.
Our team is made up of experts in their field that will work with you throughout the project to resolve any issues you might have with your neighbours or even potential problems that could occur in future. We’ll also make sure you understand what needs doing before it’s too late so nothing slips through the cracks!
We’ll also provide you with a report on your survey, which will include any recommendations for future work or even just general advice. We aim to be open and honest with our customers so that they know exactly what is going on throughout the process.
One of our team will visit your property to assess the situation. We’ll take measurements, photographs and videos so we can give you an accurate report on what needs doing and when. We’ll also make sure that all parties have signed any necessary agreements before work begins.
If you’d like more information or would like us to book an appointment for you, contact us today at 01438 798870 or email
Herts Office
Phone: 01438 798 870Mobile: 07815 051 255
Email: info@jordanbrettell.comWebsite: